Storytelling with our participants - a weekend shoe designed using data from Growing Up in New Zealand!

Young participants from Growing Up in New Zealand were invited to enter a quiz and for this data to be used to design a pair of shoes.
The shoe design that has been created is modelled on findings about lifestyles, world views, favourite hobbies and aesthetics. Even the base silhouette of the collaboration was determined by data from the quiz. This project also took the opportunity to show rangatahi how some of their other data has been used. See more here.
Associate Professor Sarah-Jane Paine, Research Director, said, “We’re immensely proud of our study and all it’s achieved. However, as the rangatahi in Growing Up in New Zealand enter their teenage years we recognise that this is a time where they are leading very busy lives and we have to work extra hard to keep them engaged and feeling valued. This project is designed to do just that.”
All participants who took the quiz were also entered in a draw and the twenty lucky winners have now received a pair of these specially designed 'data' shoes!