Journal - research article
- Slykerman, R.F., Neumann, D., Underwood, L., Hobbs, M. and Waldie, K.E. 2023. Age at first exposure to antibiotics and neurodevelopmental outcomes in childhood. Psychopharmacology.
- Anns, F., Waldie, K. E., Kaur, D., Morton, S., & D'Souza, S. 2023. Exposure to Unmedicated Maternal Depression and Antidepressant Use in Pregnancy: Is There an Influence on Child Cognitive Outcomes?. Available at SSRN: or
- Anns, F., Waldie, K. E., Peterson, E.R., Walker, C., Morton, S., & D'Souza, S. 2023. Behavioural outcomes of children exposed to antidepressants and unmedicated depression during pregnancy. Journal of Effective Disorders. DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2023.05.097
- Ghebreab, L., Kool, B., Lee, A., Morton, S. 2023. Comparing primary caregivers’ reported injury data with routinely recorded injury data to assess predictors of childhood injury. BMC Medical Research Methodology.
- Garnett, M., Reese, E., Swearingen, I. et al. 2023. Maternal Reminiscing and Children’s Socioemotional Development: Evidence from a Large Pre-Birth Longitudinal Cohort Study, Growing Up in New Zealand. Journal of Congnition and Development.
- Fletcher, B.D., Walker, C., Cha, J.E., Neumann, D., Paine S.J., Park A., Fenaughty, J., Bird, A.L., Waldie, K.E. 2023. Now We Are 12: Young people’s experiences of depression and anxiety symptoms. Snapshot 7. Auckland: Growing Up in New Zealand. Available from:
- Paine, S.J., Gerritsen, S., Napier, C., Pillai, A., Prickett, K., Atatoa Carr, P., Yao, E., Fenaughty, J., Morton, S.M.B. 2023. Now We Are 12: Methods. Auckland: Growing Up in New Zealand. Available from:
- Grant, M., Tait, J., Meissel, K., Peterson, E.R., Bullen, P., Wheadon, M., Miller, S., Pillai, A., Paine, S-J. 2023. Now We Are 12: Teacher Survey Report. Auckland: Growing Up in New Zealand. Available from
- Walker C.G, Fletcher B.D, Cha, J.E., Waldie, K.E., Morton, S.M.B., Peterson, E.R., Bullen, P., Prickett, K., Meissel, K., Fenaughty, J., Paine, S.J. 2023. Now We Are 12: Experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic and young people's wellbeing. Snapshot 6. Auckland: Growing Up in New Zealand. Available from:
- Thayer, Z., Becares, L., Marks, E., Ly, K. and Walker, C. 2023. Maternal racism experience and cultural identity in relation to offspring telomere length. Nature Sci Rep. Jun 28;13(1):10458. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-37555-6.
- Evans, R. J., Fletcher, B.D., Bird, A., Prickett, K., Paine, S.J. 2023. Now We Are 12 – Extended Factsheet: Families and Whānau. Auckland: Growing Up in New Zealand. Available from:
- Evans, R. J., Lai, H., Bird, A., Prickett, K., Paine, S.J. 2023. Now We Are 12 – Extended Factsheet: Stepping into Adolescence: Emerging Autonomy and Independence. Auckland: Growing Up in New Zealand. Available from:
- Boyask, R., May, R., Milne, J., Jackson, J., Harrington, C., Hankin, R., Le Fleming Hall., D. (2022). Experiences of New Zealand children actively reading for pleasure. Ministry of Social Development:
- Sin, I. (2022). How do childcare experiences differ by ethnicity and for families with previous childcare access issues? Motu Economic and Public Policy Research.
- Sin, I. (2022). How are childcare access issues reflected in mothers’ work? Motu Economic and Public Policy Research.
- Sin, I. (2022). How persistent are issues with access to affordable childcare? Motu Economic and Public Policy Research.
- Hennecke, J., Meehan, L., Pacheco, G. & Turcu, A. (2022). Fathers’ household and childcare involvement in New Zealand: A snapshot, determinants and consequences. NZ Work Research Institute. Auckland, NZ
- Russell, J., Grant, C. C., Morton, S., Denny, S., & Paine, S. J. (2022). Prevalence and predictors of developmental health difficulties within New Zealand preschool-aged children: A latent profile analysis. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 1-28. doi: 10.1080/03036758.2022.2083188
- Prickett, K. C., Paine, S. J., Carr, P. A., & Morton, S. (2022). A Fair Chance for All? Family resources across the early life course and children’s development in Aotearoa New Zealand. Awhi Rito.
- Evans, R.J., Dean, B. and Byett, F. 2022. The musical lives of young children in Aotearoa New Zealand. British Journal of Music Education. 39 (3): 256 - 272.DOI:
- Mitchell, L., Sin, I., Soa-Lafoai, M., & Ward, C. (2022). Gendered parenting and the intergenerational transmission of gendered stereotypes: Evidence from the Growing Up in New Zealand survey. Motu Economic and Public Policy Research.
- Corkin, M.T., Meissel, K., Peterson, E.R., Lee, K., Giacaman, N., Janicot, S. and Morton, S.M.B. 2022. Are distinct modes of using digital technologies evident by age eight? Implications for digital divides. Computers and Education.
- Corkin, M.T., Peterson, E.R., Henderson, A.M.E, Waldie, K.E.,Reese, E. and Morton, S.M.B. 2022. Examining the association between mothers’ life logistics and screen time of children aged 4 – 5 years old. The Social Sciences Journal.
- Huang, Y., Silva Goncalves, J., Lam, J., & Baxter, J. (2022). Maternal health and children’s socio-emotional and cognitive development: New evidence from the Growing Up in New Zealand study. Ministry of Social Development.
- Jacquemard, R., Landridge, F. Neumann, D., Janicot, S., Miller, S., Chu, J., Bullen, C. (2022). Internal report for Ministry of Health: Examining neurocognitive outcomes of children that have experienced prenatal alcohol exposure using data from the Growing Up in New Zealand cohort. The University of Auckland: Auckland.
- Sin, I. (2022). How do childcare access issues affect mothers’ work in the long term? Motu Economic and Public Policy Research.
- Muller, D., Santos-Fernandez, E. McCarthy, J., Carr, H. and Signal, T.L. 2022. Who meets national early childhood sleep guidelines in Aotearoa New Zealand? A cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis. SLEEP Advances 3(1).
- Schlichting, D., Grant, C., Hashemi, L. The relationship between childhood obesity and food insecurity: a response to the call for further investigation.
- Svardal, C., Waldie, K., Milne, B., Morton, S. and D'Souza S. 2022. Prevalence of antidepressant use and unmedicated depression in pregnant New Zealand women. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry.
- Bennett, D., Gilchrist, C.A., Menzies, R.L., Harwood, M., Kingi, T.K., Atatoa Carr, P., Morton, S. and Grant, C.C. 2022. Determinants of exclusive breastfeeding for wāhine Māori. NZMJ. 135(1555). ISSN 1175-8716
- Atatoa Carr, P., Langridge, F., Neumann, D., Paine, S., Liang, F., Taufa, S., Fa’alili Fidow, J., Fenaughty, J., & Kingi. T. (2022). ‘Seeing’ our tamariki in longitudinal studies: exploring the complexity of ethnic identification trajectories within Growing Up in New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand.
- Sin, I. 2022. Access to childcare interim report 4: How are childcare access issues reflected in mothers’ work? Wellington: Ministry for Women.ISSN 1176-2667 (Print), ISSN 1177-9047 (Online)
- Sin, I. 2022. Access to childcare interim report 1: Who has difficulty accessing affordable childcare? Wellington: Ministry for Women. ISSN 1176-2667 (Print), ISSN 1177-9047 (Online).
- Ghebreab, L., Kool, B., Arier, L. and Morton S. 2022. Prospective longitudinal study investigating predictors of childhood injuries from Growing Up in New Zealand cohort: study protocol. Injury prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention. 28(2): 192-202. DOI 10.1136/injuryprev-2021-044414
- Morton, S.M.B., Napier, C., Morar, M., et al. (2022). Mind the gap – unequal from the start: evidence from the early years of the Growing Up in New Zealand longitudinal study. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand,
- Castro, T.G., Gerritsen, S., Teixeira, J., Pillai, A., Marchioni, D., Grant, C., Morton, S. and Wall, C. 2022. An index measuring adherence to New Zealand infant feeding guidelines has convergent validity with maternal sociodemographic and health behaviours and with children`s body size. British Journal of Nutrition. 127(7): 1073-1085. DOI 10.1017/S0007114521001720
- Corkin, M. T., Peterson, E. R., Henderson, A. M., Bird, A. L., Waldie, K. E., Reese, E., & Morton, S. M. (2021). The Predictors of Screen Time at Two Years in a Large Nationally Diverse Cohort. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 1-21.
- Corkin, M.T., Dando, E., Peterson, E.R. et al. (2021). “The way she smiles brightens me up”: Highlights of parenting an infant in a large Nationally diverse cohort. Current Psychology,40(2) 919-938.
- Wallander, J.L., Berry, S., Atatoa Carr, P., Peterson, E.R., Waldie, K.E., Marks, E., D'Souza, S. & Morton, S.M.B. (2021). Patterns of risk exposure in the first 1,000 days of life and health, behavior, and education-related problems at age 4.5: Evidence from Growing Up in New Zealand, a longitudinal cohort study. BMC Pediatrics, 21, 285.
- Sin, I. 2021. Access to childcare interim report 3: How do childcare experiences differ by ethnicity and for families with previous childcare access issues? Wellington: Ministry for Women. ISSN 1176-2667 (Print), ISSN 1177-9047 (Online).
- Sin, I. 2021. Access to childcare interim report 2: How persistent are issues with access to affordable childcare? Wellington: Ministry for Women. ISSN 1176-2667 (Print), ISSN 1177-9047 (Online)
- Walsh M.C., Maloney T., Vaithianathan R., & Pereda-Perez P. (2020). School Readiness, Adversities in Childhood Experience and Access to Government Services: A Scoping Study on Potential Protective Factors. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. ISBN: 978-1-99-002342-2
- Walsh M.C., Maloney T., Vaithianathan R., & Pereda-Perez P. (2020). Adversities of Childhood Experience and School Readiness: focus on children born to teen and non-teen mothers in the Growing Up in New Zealand Data. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. ISBN: 978-1-99-002341-5
- Noy, S., & Sin, I. (2021). The Drivers of Mothers' Parental Leave Decisions: Evidence from the Growing Up in New Zealand longitudinal survey. Ministry of Social Development. ISBN: 978-1-99-002354-5 (electronic)
- Morton, S., Peterson, E., Buckley, J. & Murray, S. (2020). Early self-control development: Prevalence, persistence and change in a NZ cohort. Ministry of Social Development Report. ISBN: 978-0-9951244-5-5 (electronic)
- Pryor J, Morton S, Bandara D, Robinson E, Grant CC (2014). Pregnant partners: Fathers of the Growing Up in New Zealand children. Journal of Family Studies, 20(1): 5-18. Article online
- Peterson E R, Schmidt J, Reese E, Lee AC, Atatoa Carr P, Morton SMB (2014). “I expect my baby to grow up to be a responsible and caring citizen.”: What are expectant parents’ hopes, dreams and expectations for their unborn children? Family Matters, 94:35-44. Article online
- Morton SMB, Ramke J, Kinloch J, Grant CC, Atatoa Carr P, Leeson H, Lee AC, Robinson E (2014). Growing Up in New Zealand cohort alignment with all New Zealand births. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. Doi: 10.1111/1753-6405.12220
- Power C, Kuh D, Morton SMB (2013). From developmental origins of adult disease to life course research on adult disease and ageing: insights from birth cohort studies. Annu Rev Public Health. 34:7-28. doi:10.1146/annurev-publhealth-031912-114423
- Morton, S., Bandara, D. K., Robinson, E. M., & Carr, P. E. A. (2012). In the 21st Century, what is an acceptable response rate? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health,36(2), 106-108 doi:10.1111/j.1753-6405.2012.00854.x
- Morton SMB, Atatoa Carr P, Grant CC, Robinson ER, Bird A, Waayer D. (2012) How Do You Recruit and Retain a Pre-Birth Cohort? Lessons Learnt From Growing Up in New Zealand. Evaluation & the Health Professions. 2012 doi:10.1177/0163278712462717
- Morton SM, Atatoa Carr PE, Grant CC, Robinson EM, Bandara DK, Bird A, Ivory VC, Kingi TK, Liang R, Marks EJ, Perese LM, Peterson ER, Pryor JE, Reese E, Schmidt JM, Waldie KE, Wall C. (2012). Cohort Profile: Growing Up in New Zealand. Int J Epidemiol. Feb 3 doi:10.1093/ije/dyr206
- Shulruf, B., Morton, S., Goodyear-Smith, F., O'Loughlin, C., & Dixon, R. (2007). Designing Multidisciplinary Longitudinal Studies of Human Development Analyzing Past Research to Inform Methodology. Evaluation & the Health Professions, 30(3), 207-228. doi:10.1177/0163278707304030
Book chapters:
- Morton SMB, Atatoa Carr PE, Bandara, D. The Status of Our Families: Evidence from Growing Up in New Zealand. Chapter 5 in Families and Whānau Status Report 2013.
- Ivory VC, Morton SMB, Schmidt JM, Kingi TK, Atatoa Carr PE. (2013) Capturing the capitals; a heuristic for measuring ‘wealth’ of NZ children in the 21st century. An application to the Growing Up in New Zealand longitudinal cohort. In: When Culture Impacts Health, 1st Edition, Chapter 22 doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-415921-1.00022-1
MSD Reports:
- Marks E J, Somerville-Ryan M, Walker C, Devlin M, Chen R, Atatoa Carr P E, Berry S, Smith A and Morton S M B. (2021). Impact of family housing and income journeys on preschool child health and wellbeing. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development.
- Noy, S., & Sin, I. (2021). The Drivers of Mothers' Parental Leave Decisions: Evidence from the Growing Up in New Zealand longitudinal survey. Ministry of Social Development. ISBN: 978-1-99-002354-5 (electronic)
- Walsh M.C., Maloney T., Vaithianathan R., & Pereda-Perez P. (2020). School Readiness, Adversities in Childhood Experience and Access to Government Services: A Scoping Study on Potential Protective Factors. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. ISBN: 978-1-99-002342-2
- Walsh M.C., Maloney T., Vaithianathan R., & Pereda-Perez P. (2020). Adversities of Childhood Experience and School Readiness: focus on children born to teen and non-teen mothers in the Growing Up in New Zealand Data. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. ISBN: 978-1-99-002341-5
- Clark, T., Dasgupta, K., Lewycka, S., Pacheco, G. & Plum, A. (2020). Ethnic differences in the use and experience of child healthcare services in NZ: An empirical examination. Auckland. Available here.
- Kool, B., Underwood, L., Morton, S., Ameratunga, S., Kingi, TK., & Avinesh Pillai. (2020). Child injury in the preschool years. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. ISBN:978-1-99-002333-0
- Morton, S., Lai, H., Walker, C., Cha, J., Smith, A., Marks, E., & Pillai, P. (2020). Keeping our children warm and dry: Evidence from Growing Up in New Zealand. BRANZ. ISBN: 2423-0839
- Muller, D., Signal, L., Santos-Fernandez, E., McCarthy, J., & Carr, H. (2020). Are New Zealand children meeting the Ministry of Health guidelines for sleep? Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. ISBN: 978-1-99-002302-6
- Simmonds H, Reese E,Atatoa Carr P, and Berry S, Kingi TK. (2020). He ara ki ngā rautaki e ora tonu ai te reo Māori: Pathways to Maori Language Revitalisation. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. ISBN:978-0-9951240-3-5
- Gerritsen S, D’Souza A, Goodsell-Matthews T, Pillai A, Swinburn B, Wall C. 2020. Food hardship and early childhood nutrition: Findings from Growing Up in New Zealand with a focus on food hardships among tamariki Māori and Pacific children. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. Available here.
- Morton, S., Peterson, E., Buckley, J. & Murray, S. (2020). Early self-control development: Prevalence, persistence and change in a NZ cohort. Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Social Development. ISBN: 978-0-9951244-5-5
- Walsh M., Joyce S., Maloney T., & Vaithianathan R. (2019). Protective factors of children families at highest risk of adverse childhood experiences: An analysis of children and families in the Growing up in New Zealand data who “beat the odds”. Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Social Development. ISBN: 978-1-98-854158-7
- Duncan, S., Gerritsen, S., D'Souza, S., Stewart, T., & Gibbons, A. (2019). Is participation in Early Childhood Education related to child health and development? Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. Available here.
- Stewart, T., Duncan, S., Walker, C., Berry, S., & Schofield, G, (2019). Effects of screen time on preschool health and development. Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Social Development. ISBN: 978-1-98-854155-6
- Meissel, K., Reese, E. & Turnbull, S. (2019). Factors of the early learning environment that promote early learning outcomes in Aotearoa / New Zealand. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. Available here.
- Meissel, K., Peterson, E., Thomas, S., & Murray, S. (2019). Intentions and decisions about early childhood education: Understanding the determinants and dynamics of households’ early intentions and decisions about ECE and childcare from birth to age two. Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Social Development. Available here.
- Walsh M., Joyce S., Maloney T., & Vaithianathan R. (2019). Adverse childhood experiences and school readiness outcomes: Results from the Growing up in New Zealand study. Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Social Development. Available here.
- Castro, T.G., Gerritsen, S., Wall, C., Grant, C., Teixeira, J.A., Marchioni, D.M., Pillai, A., Morton, S. (2018). Infant feeding in New Zealand: Adherence to the national food and nutrition guidelines. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. Available here.
- Dominick, C (2018). Association of material hardship with maternal and child outcomes. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. Available here.