Published articles


Journal - research article


  • Slykerman, R.F., Neumann, D., Underwood, L., Hobbs, M. and Waldie, K.E. 2023. Age at first exposure to antibiotics and neurodevelopmental outcomes in childhood. Psychopharmacology.
  • Anns, F., Waldie, K. E., Kaur, D., Morton, S., & D'Souza, S. 2023. Exposure to Unmedicated Maternal Depression and Antidepressant Use in Pregnancy: Is There an Influence on Child Cognitive Outcomes?. Available at SSRN: or
  • Anns, F., Waldie, K. E., Peterson, E.R., Walker, C., Morton, S., & D'Souza, S. 2023. Behavioural outcomes of children exposed to antidepressants and unmedicated depression during pregnancy. Journal of Effective Disorders. DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2023.05.097
  • Ghebreab, L., Kool, B., Lee, A., Morton, S. 2023. Comparing primary caregivers’ reported injury data with routinely recorded injury data to assess predictors of childhood injury. BMC Medical Research Methodology.
  • Garnett, M., Reese, E., Swearingen, I. et al. 2023. Maternal Reminiscing and Children’s Socioemotional Development: Evidence from a Large Pre-Birth Longitudinal Cohort Study, Growing Up in New Zealand. Journal of Congnition and Development.
  • Fletcher, B.D., Walker, C., Cha, J.E., Neumann, D., Paine S.J., Park A., Fenaughty, J., Bird, A.L., Waldie, K.E. 2023. Now We Are 12: Young people’s experiences of depression and anxiety symptoms. Snapshot 7. Auckland: Growing Up in New Zealand. Available from:
  • Paine, S.J., Gerritsen, S., Napier, C., Pillai, A., Prickett, K., Atatoa Carr, P., Yao, E., Fenaughty, J., Morton, S.M.B. 2023. Now We Are 12: Methods. Auckland: Growing Up in New Zealand. Available from:
  • Grant, M., Tait, J., Meissel, K., Peterson, E.R., Bullen, P., Wheadon, M., Miller, S., Pillai, A., Paine, S-J. 2023. Now We Are 12: Teacher Survey Report. Auckland: Growing Up in New Zealand. Available from
  • Walker C.G, Fletcher B.D, Cha, J.E., Waldie, K.E., Morton, S.M.B., Peterson, E.R., Bullen, P., Prickett, K., Meissel, K., Fenaughty, J., Paine, S.J. 2023. Now We Are 12: Experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic and young people's wellbeing. Snapshot 6. Auckland: Growing Up in New Zealand. Available from:
  • Thayer, Z., Becares, L., Marks, E., Ly, K. and Walker, C. 2023. Maternal racism experience and cultural identity in relation to offspring telomere length. Nature Sci Rep. Jun 28;13(1):10458. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-37555-6.
  • Evans, R. J., Fletcher, B.D., Bird, A., Prickett, K., Paine, S.J. 2023. Now We Are 12 – Extended Factsheet: Families and Whānau. Auckland: Growing Up in New Zealand. Available from:
  • Evans, R. J., Lai, H., Bird, A., Prickett, K., Paine, S.J. 2023. Now We Are 12 – Extended Factsheet: Stepping into Adolescence: Emerging Autonomy and Independence. Auckland: Growing Up in New Zealand. Available from:


  • Atatoa Carr, P., Langridge, F., Neumann, D., Paine, S., Liang, F., Taufa, S., Fa’alili Fidow, J., Fenaughty, J., & Kingi. T. (2022). ‘Seeing’ our tamariki in longitudinal studies: exploring the complexity of ethnic identification trajectories within Growing Up in New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand.
  • Sin, I. 2022. Access to childcare interim report 4: How are childcare access issues reflected in mothers’ work? Wellington:  Ministry for Women.ISSN 1176-2667 (Print), ISSN 1177-9047 (Online)
  • Sin, I. 2022. Access to childcare interim report 1: Who has difficulty accessing affordable childcare? Wellington:  Ministry for Women. ISSN 1176-2667 (Print), ISSN 1177-9047 (Online).
  • Ghebreab, L., Kool, B., Arier, L. and Morton S. 2022. Prospective longitudinal study investigating predictors of childhood injuries from Growing Up in New Zealand cohort: study protocol. Injury prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention. 28(2): 192-202. DOI 10.1136/injuryprev-2021-044414
  • Morton, S.M.B., Napier, C., Morar, M., et al. (2022). Mind the gap – unequal from the start: evidence from the early years of the Growing Up in New Zealand longitudinal study.  Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand,


  • Castro, T.G., Gerritsen, S., Teixeira, J., Pillai, A., Marchioni, D., Grant, C., Morton, S. and Wall, C. 2022. An index measuring adherence to New Zealand infant feeding guidelines has convergent validity with maternal sociodemographic and health behaviours and with children`s body size. British Journal of Nutrition. 127(7): 1073-1085. DOI 10.1017/S0007114521001720
  • Corkin, M. T., Peterson, E. R., Henderson, A. M., Bird, A. L., Waldie, K. E., Reese, E., & Morton, S. M. (2021). The Predictors of Screen Time at Two Years in a Large Nationally Diverse Cohort. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 1-21.
  • Corkin, M.T., Dando, E., Peterson, E.R. et al. (2021). “The way she smiles brightens me up”: Highlights of parenting an infant in a large Nationally diverse cohort. Current Psychology,40(2) 919-938.  
  • Wallander, J.L., Berry, S., Atatoa Carr, P., Peterson, E.R., Waldie, K.E., Marks, E., D'Souza, S. & Morton, S.M.B. (2021). Patterns of risk exposure in the first 1,000 days of life and health, behavior, and education-related problems at age 4.5: Evidence from Growing Up in New Zealand, a longitudinal cohort study. BMC Pediatrics, 21, 285.
  • Sin, I. 2021. Access to childcare interim report 3: How do childcare experiences differ by ethnicity and for families with previous childcare access issues? Wellington:  Ministry for Women. ISSN 1176-2667 (Print), ISSN 1177-9047 (Online).
  • Sin, I. 2021. Access to childcare interim report 2: How persistent are issues with access to affordable childcare? Wellington:  Ministry for Women. ISSN 1176-2667 (Print), ISSN 1177-9047 (Online)
  • Walsh M.C., Maloney T., Vaithianathan R., & Pereda-Perez P. (2020). School Readiness, Adversities in Childhood Experience and Access to Government Services: A Scoping Study on Potential Protective Factors. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. ISBN: 978-1-99-002342-2
  • Walsh M.C., Maloney T., Vaithianathan R., & Pereda-Perez P. (2020). Adversities of Childhood Experience and School Readiness: focus on children born to teen and non-teen mothers in the Growing Up in New Zealand Data. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. ISBN: 978-1-99-002341-5
  • Noy, S., & Sin, I. (2021). The Drivers of Mothers' Parental Leave Decisions: Evidence from the Growing Up in New Zealand longitudinal survey. Ministry of Social Development. ISBN: 978-1-99-002354-5 (electronic)


  • Morton, S., Peterson, E., Buckley, J. & Murray, S. (2020). Early self-control development: Prevalence, persistence and change in a NZ cohort. Ministry of Social Development Report. ISBN: 978-0-9951244-5-5 (electronic)





Book chapters:

MSD Reports:

  • Marks E J, Somerville-Ryan M, Walker C, Devlin M, Chen R, Atatoa Carr P E, Berry S, Smith A and Morton S M B. (2021). Impact of family housing and income journeys on preschool child health and wellbeing. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development.

  • Noy, S., & Sin, I. (2021). The Drivers of Mothers' Parental Leave Decisions: Evidence from the Growing Up in New Zealand longitudinal survey. Ministry of Social Development. ISBN: 978-1-99-002354-5 (electronic)
  • Walsh M.C., Maloney T., Vaithianathan R., & Pereda-Perez P. (2020). School Readiness, Adversities in Childhood Experience and Access to Government Services: A Scoping Study on Potential Protective Factors. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. ISBN: 978-1-99-002342-2

  • Walsh M.C., Maloney T., Vaithianathan R., & Pereda-Perez P. (2020). Adversities of Childhood Experience and School Readiness: focus on children born to teen and non-teen mothers in the Growing Up in New Zealand Data. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. ISBN: 978-1-99-002341-5

  • Clark, T., Dasgupta, K., Lewycka, S., Pacheco, G. & Plum, A. (2020). Ethnic differences in the use and experience of child healthcare services in NZ: An empirical examination. Auckland.  Available here.

  • Kool, B., Underwood, L., Morton, S., Ameratunga, S., Kingi, TK., & Avinesh Pillai. (2020). Child injury in the preschool years. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. ISBN:978-1-99-002333-0  

  • Morton, S., Lai, H., Walker, C., Cha, J., Smith, A., Marks, E., & Pillai, P. (2020). Keeping our children warm and dry: Evidence from Growing Up in New Zealand. BRANZ. ISBN: 2423-0839

  • Muller, D., Signal, L., Santos-Fernandez, E., McCarthy, J., & Carr, H. (2020). Are New Zealand children meeting the Ministry of Health guidelines for sleep? Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. ISBN: 978-1-99-002302-6

  • Simmonds H, Reese E,Atatoa Carr P, and Berry S, Kingi TK. (2020). He ara ki ngā rautaki e ora tonu ai te reo Māori: Pathways to Maori Language Revitalisation. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. ISBN:978-0-9951240-3-5

  • Gerritsen S, D’Souza A, Goodsell-Matthews T, Pillai A, Swinburn B, Wall C. 2020. Food hardship and early childhood nutrition: Findings from Growing Up in New Zealand with a focus on food hardships among tamariki Māori and Pacific children. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. Available here.

  • Morton, S., Peterson, E., Buckley, J. & Murray, S. (2020). Early self-control development: Prevalence, persistence and change in a NZ cohort. Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Social Development. ISBN: 978-0-9951244-5-5

  • Walsh M., Joyce S., Maloney T., & Vaithianathan R. (2019). Protective factors of children families at highest risk of adverse childhood experiences: An analysis of children and families in the Growing up in New Zealand data who “beat the odds”. Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Social Development.  ISBN: 978-1-98-854158-7

  • Duncan, S., Gerritsen, S., D'Souza, S., Stewart, T., & Gibbons, A. (2019). Is participation in Early Childhood Education related to child health and development? Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. Available here.

  • Stewart, T., Duncan, S., Walker, C., Berry, S., & Schofield, G, (2019). Effects of screen time on preschool health and development. Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Social Development. ISBN: 978-1-98-854155-6

  • Meissel, K., Reese, E. & Turnbull, S. (2019). Factors of the early learning environment that promote early learning outcomes in Aotearoa / New Zealand. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. Available here.

  • Meissel, K., Peterson, E., Thomas, S., & Murray, S. (2019). Intentions and decisions about early childhood education: Understanding the determinants and dynamics of households’ early intentions and decisions about ECE and childcare from birth to age two. Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Social Development. Available here.

  • Walsh M., Joyce S., Maloney T., & Vaithianathan R. (2019). Adverse childhood experiences and school readiness outcomes: Results from the Growing up in New Zealand study. Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Social Development. Available here.

  • Castro, T.G., Gerritsen, S., Wall, C., Grant, C., Teixeira, J.A., Marchioni, D.M., Pillai, A., Morton, S. (2018). Infant feeding in New Zealand: Adherence to the national food and nutrition guidelines. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. Available here.

  • Dominick, C (2018). Association of material hardship with maternal and child outcomes. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. Available here.