Research Projects Using Growing Up Data
On these pages you can search for research projects using Growing Up in New Zealand data. We've tried to include all current and previous projects which use the data, but this list may not be exhaustive.
Children's resilience in the context of family conflict in Aotearoa New Zealand.
- Year:2021
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Association between sugar intake and childhood asthma: a longitudinal study of the Growing Up in New Zealand cohort
- Year:2021
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A study of Samoan, Tongan , Cook Island Māori, and Niuean infant care practices
- Year:2021
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Assessing the impact of screen time on children’s language, literacy, and social functioning from infancy to age 8
- Year:2021
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12DCW Leading Light/ Te Rōpū Pīata analysis about Stats NZ proposal
- Year:2021
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A longitudinal analysis of intimate partner violence: Dynamics of abuse within families with children, exit from abusive relationships, and risk and protective factors
- Year:2021
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What factors are associated with early childhood dental caries? A longitudinal study of the Growing Up in New Zealand cohort
- Year:2020
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Understanding the impact of prenatal alcohol exposure on neurocognitive development in New Zealand children
- Year:2020
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The origins of New Zealand’s gender attitudes and inequality
- Year:2020
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The Association Between Persistence and Change in Early Childhood Behavioural Problems and Preschool Cognitive Outcomes.
- Year:2020
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Risk Factors Associated with Language Delay in Preschool Children.
- Year:2020
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Socio-demographic and maternal health indicators of inhibitory control in preschool age children: evidence from Growing Up in New Zealand
- Year:2020
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Parental Health and Children’s Psychosocial and Cognitive Development: New Evidence from the Growing Up in New Zealand Study
- Year:2020
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Maternal intentions for human papillomavirus vaccination of girls and boys
- Year:2020
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Maternal Antenatal Depression and Early Childhood Sleep: Potential Pathways Through Infant Temperament
- Year:2020
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Growing up Healthy in Families Across the Globe: Cross-Cultural Harmonisation of Childhood Risk-Factors Using Longitudinal Studies from Ireland, Scotland and New Zealand
- Year:2020
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Fathers’ household and childcare involvement in New Zealand: A snapshot, determinants and consequences
- Year:2020
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Factors associated with children’s connectedness to family/whānau, and their wellbeing, in relation to reasons for residential mobility
- Year:2020
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Ethnic differences in the uptake of healthcare services: A Microanalysis
- Year:2020
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Characteristics and experiences of New Zealand children that may influence reading for pleasure
- Year:2020
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Association of Repeated Antibiotic Exposure Up to Age 4 Years with Body Mass at Age 4.5 Years
- Year:2020
- Access Type:Internal
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An ecological examination of factors related to active school travel in young children in Aotearoa New Zealand
- Year:2020
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The role of parenting in children with ASD in the development of language, problem and prosocial behaviour and the hopes and dreams and highlights and challenges parents of ASD children have
- Year:2019
- Access Type:Internal
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Prenatal Antibiotics and Child Cognitive and Socioemotional Development
- Year:2019
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Parent-child emotion conversations: Associations with parent and child mental health
- Year:2019
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Long-term effects of rainfall on pediatric hospitalization for enteric illnesses in New Zealand
- Year:2019
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Introduction of timing of complementary feeding in the Growing Up cohort
- Year:2019
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Community belonging, an important component of wellbeing and a gateway to social support. Who are the mothers missing out on this social resource?
- Year:2019
- Access Type:External
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Antibiotic Exposure in Early Life and Subsequent Cognitive and Behavioural Outcomes in Childhood
- Year:2019
- Access Type:Internal
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Adherence to food and nutrition guidelines during the preschool period: creation and assessment of dietary intake indexes at 9, 24 and 54 months, Growing up in New Zealand cohort study
- Year:2019
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What is the food security experience of young children in New Zealand today?
- Year:2018
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What are the housing-related experiences of families with young children in New Zealand today? Does this experience differ for those families living in rental or social housing and/or on low incomes?
- Year:2018
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Visual function and reading in 8 to 9 year old New Zealand children (The Growing Up in New Zealand Study).
- Year:2018
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Vaccine information received by partners and timeliness of infant immunisation
- Year:2018
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Trajectories and Determinants of Cognitive Functioning in New Zealand Children
- Year:2018
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The roles and influences of partners on GUiNZ mothers' alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
- Year:2018
- Access Type:External
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The pattern of medically attended, unintentional preschool injury in the Growing up in New Zealand cohort
- Year:2018
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The Operationalisation of Ethnicity in Quantitative Social Science Research
- Year:2018
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The effect of household food-related hardship on preschool nutrition and health
- Year:2018
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Strengthening children’s relational competencies: Identifying key factors that impact on emotional and social resilience from age 9 months to 4.5 years
- Year:2018
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Process for transcription of audio-recorded 8 year parent-child conversation data
- Year:2018
- Access Type:Internal
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Prevalence, persistence and change in preschoolers’ self-control - what promotes, hinders and protects against low levels of self-control.
- Year:2018
- Access Type:External
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Inter-parental relationship quality (IPRQ) and its effects on children
- Year:2018
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Mutable Factors Mediating the Impact of ACEs on Children’s Readiness for School: Evidence from GUINZ
- Year:2018
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Predictors of cognitive functioning at age 4.5 and 8 years.
- Year:2018
- Access Type:Internal
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Poverty and child and family outcomes in the GUiNZ cohort: extending the cross-sectional analysis into longitudinal analysis
- Year:2018
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Parent-child interactions and early language and literacy development in bilingual children growing up in New Zealand
- Year:2018
- Access Type:Internal
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Migration and Child Immunisation Status in New Zealand: Individual and Contextual Factors Associated with Immunisation Timeliness in immigrant children in New Zealand, A Multilevel Analysis
- Year:2018
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Life course determinants of serious infection in childhood
- Year:2018
- Access Type:Internal
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There is a high burden of hospitalisations from infectious diseases in New Zealand. This project will build upon the work that has already been completed describing serious infection in the first year of life. The current study will quantify the burden of infectious disease hospitalisations up to five years of age in an ethnically diverse Growing Up in NZ cohort.
Investigating Family Mental Health as Predictors of Persistent Childhood Behavioural Outcomes
- Year:2018
- Access Type:Internal
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