Preparing for extreme weather events
Information and resources for preparing for extreme weather events are crucial for response and recovery. This could refer to information about getting your household, work, or school ready before an emergency.
Accurate, effective, and timely communication before and during an extreme weather event can help to minimise harm [33, 34]. Important information about extreme weather events and other emergencies can be found on the New Zealand Civil Defence Website ( Advice on how to prepare for an emergency can be found here and tips on what to do during an emergency can be found here.
Growing Up in New Zealand asked primary caregivers about access to information resources about how to prepare for extreme weather events.
Preparations before extreme weather events
Figure 8. Shows the types of preparations completed before the extreme weather events as reported by the mother/primary caregiver.
We asked the mothers/primary caregivers which preparations their household completed before the floods or cyclone. This graph shows the number of mothers/primary caregivers who reported ‘yes’ they prepared or ‘no’ they did not prepare for each different type of preparation (store or stock up on water, store or stock up on food, prepare a grab bag, make a plan for evacuation, clear drains, make sandbags, charge electronics, get a radio, purchase other supplies, or something else).
Table 3: Proportion of mothers/primary caregivers who reported they did prepare or did not prepare before the floods and/or cyclone.
Figure 9. Shows how prepared the mothers/primary caregivers felt before the extreme weather events.
The mothers/primary caregivers were asked how prepared they thought their household was for the floods and/or cyclone (not at all, a little, somewhat, or very). This graph shows the number of mothers/primary caregivers who were not at all prepared (n = 180, 22.4%), a little prepared (n = 277, 34.5%), somewhat prepared (n = 269, 33.5%), and very prepared (n = 77, 9.6%) for the extreme weather events. Each level of preparedness (bar) is categorised by those who were affected (dark blue; n = 214, 26.7%), live in an area that was affected (light blue; n = 237, 29.5%), or were not affected (green; n = 352, 43.8%) by the extreme weather events.
Information received
We asked the mothers/primary caregivers if they remember seeing any information or advice about how to prepare for the floods and/or cyclone before the events. Over half (56.2%, n = 459) reported that they did not see any information or advice leading up to the extreme weather events (1.3% missing).
Figure 10. Shows whether enough useful information was received by the mother/primary caregiver before the extreme weather events.
Mothers/primary caregivers were asked whether they received enough useful information about the floods and/or cyclones (not at all, a little information, some information, or all the information needed). This graph shows the number of mothers/primary caregivers who reported that they received no information (n = 227, 28.3%), a little information (n = 212, 26.4%), some information (n = 224, 27.9%), or all the information needed (n = 140, 17.4%). Each level of information (bar) received is categorised by those who were affected (dark blue; n = 214, 26.7%), live in an area that was affected (light blue; n = 237, 29.5%), or were not affected (green; n = 352, 43.8%) by the extreme weather events.
Figure 11. Shows the types of preparations that mothers/primary caregivers reported they would have liked more information about before the extreme weather events.
The mothers/primary caregivers who reported that they received no, a little, or some information in the previous question (n = 663), were asked what they would have liked more information about before the floods and/or cyclone. This graph shows the number of mothers/primary caregivers who reported that they would have liked more information on storing or stocking up water (n = 213, 32.3%), storing or stocking up on food (n = 191, 28.9%), preparing a grab bag (n = 230, 34.8%), making a plan for evacuation (n = 385, 58.3%), clearing drains (n = 222, 33.6%), making sandbags (n = 184, 27.9%), charging electronics (n = 176, 26.7%), getting a solar or battery-powered radio (n = 163, 24.7%), purchasing other supplies (n = 209, 31.7%), or something else (n = 73, 11.1%). Each type of information (bar) is categorised by those who were affected (dark blue; n = 187, 28.3%), live in an area that was affected (light blue; n = 199, 30.2%), or were not affected (green; n = 274, 41.5%) by the extreme weather events.
Suggested citation: Gawn, J., Fletcher, B.D., Neumann, D., Pillai, A., Miller, S., Park, A., Napier, C., Paine, S.J. (2024). The impact of extreme weather events on young people and their families: Evidence from Growing Up in New Zealand. Auckland: Growing Up in New Zealand. Available from:
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